Friday, February 20, 2009


Feelings develop as we get to know each other better
But we still need to find our own footing in life
Both still unstable from the past
And the future ahead

Ever since you made look things on another point
I have since woke up to life everyday
With a better goal in life
Or to see things in another point of view

You made study for exams even when
I'm too lazy to study
Or having fun with you and your friends
Even when you some how annoy me..

However our lives are not alighted yet
For us to be together
So as days will past
We will learn more of each other
And get annoyed with each other's character

Till that day happens
I just want to say that
Its true of the feelings we have
So let's not avoid it
Or let it past

But let life take its own toll
On us..
Patients is all we need and have on our side
Time is something
That we cannot adjust...

Be patient my friend...

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