Thursday, March 26, 2009

What's going on???...

I can't seem to figure out some stuff
That's surrounding me...
Some stuff are still confusing me...

But some are already starting to clear up in my mind...
But the best part is that...
I never been so happy...
Like always smiling when I'm out..
Or the fact that I'm laughing a lot...

Maybe its cause of the group of people
I've been around with lately...
They sure know how to make people laugh a lot...
Seriously...I've never laughed so much in 2 weeks...

Wow 2 weeks gone from my holidays...hahaha...
That's fast..With all that has happened to me...
I kinda think it was kinda childish of me...
To have so many feelings at one time..
Then can't make up my mind on what I want...
Or don't want in life..hahah

But things are sure clearing up...
I guest my dark clouds are clearing away now...