Monday, June 08, 2009

Funny parents...

Told my parents about you..hahah...
My dad's supportive about it..But I'm still wander what mum has to say..

Well what my dad said was that you would end up marrying an Angmoh there..hahah
Well what they don't know is that is not your cup of tea..hahah..

haha..Actually my mum said the same thing..hahah...
Well know her..she say that not to bring you to my place when meeting them..go to my bro's house cause my house small...Compared to yours..hahaha....

She has a point..Due to the fact that you are staying in a landed property..and knowing her...she thinks your rich..hahah...Well in other words you kinda are..compared to my family..hahahah....

Dad said your a good catch..well his right on that..hehehe...ooh..And that my real parents would love you..Especially my real dad..hahaha...Kinda true on that...heheh...

now in school..So I really can't wait to get back and hear what mum has to say...hahah...Will update once I'm home..hahaha

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