Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My feelings are getting stronger. But I don't want to get over excited over something I know that's not secure yet. I do hope that this happiness of mine will last me a life time.

We've been describing each other's other half. Even before we really got to know each other. I realize that you might be the half I've been waiting for all this time. You could be the "One".

Like you say, we got closer day by day. With changes on me that I've realized, which I know I rarely did last time. Which is to smile. I know I can't genuinely smile. Usually I smile while I laugh,but now I don't have to laugh to smile. That I thank you for it. Now I can't wait to see what the future has to bring us.

School!!! so irritating,for the fact that you people don't even know me. Cause you don't make the effort to. Your too busy with you CLAN...So full of yourselves... Why must it be us who break from our group.. Not you..Ever dam school project you people are in always in the same group. Even when told that preferred to be split up.

And for you to say or asked my friend that was insulting to us..WTF!!! At least we are able to work on our own.. !! Unlike you people. Must always be stick together as if you are glued to each other's assess.. Hahaha...Now that's funny...Now do me a little favor and stop judging me from what you see...I know I'm noisy, irritating and so ever. But what's in me you don't have a fucking clue. So ya..Stop your childish behavior..Old enough to come up front and speak what's on your mind.
BTW..I am speaking my mind now..By blogging it..hahahah...

bye people!!

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